Wednesday, 21 October 2009


While we were editing today , we were thinking about what we could improve, and that was to have more visuals of lip syncing, close up of the artist singing and distant shots of the artist singing to ensure that we have a variety of different shots of the artist.
We also realised that we need to be tighter on the singing, because often the words said are not the words in the song and this becomes obvious when putting them on to final cut.
We also think that we should include another location of the lead singer because although he is shown at home, and then in a field, it becomes quite repetative when trying to piece together footage. So when filming next time we plan to still shoot outside but like we did with the lion, change location a lot more to prevent the audience becoming bored.
We also found that when we went through the rough cut there were blacked out parts, that we are now attempting to fit footage into, so it flows better.

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