Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Edd Lovelace Notes

Notes on Edd Lovelace

Company - Creation made low key bands videos which included The Gallows. It was a £100 budget that won Best video for MTV2. The main focus of the camera was on the Lead singer and his tattoos, the crowd, guitars and other instruments. There was a range of speed changes for the mosh pit, mix of hand held cameras, repetitiveness like the song and no set changes. based as a Performance Video and how gigs work and are done on the road with the band. A documentary rather that a big budget music video it was crewed by 8 camera men which was the bands idea.

Pulse Films - production company in so Ho where the majority of film companies are based. On Myspace they have set up 12 different artists ( Dirty Pretty Things)

DARYL - His main company he is with. The tracks come in then you pitch to do them whilst being up against a lot of competition.

In One Ear by Cage the Elephant - The budget was about £40,000. Got lot of his ideas from films and used them as film contexts in his work. He does this in his pitches by picking a film that he wants the video to look like then he gets stills and presents them. Bands and producers want two different things, mostly original but still Poppy so it will sell in the Charts. Hard to find the balance.
To highlight and emphasis the storyline and setting they created a slow bit with a range of close ups, jump shots, neon for the punts to blend with the poppy look, movie reel feel, weird guy, crazy but believable setting and a patient ill setting.
Art director built set for £2,000, used 16mm film, one day shoot 6am à 12 midnight, DV Format, 1 strip costed £1000.

Initial idea can change with the editing
- 3 days to pitch
- week to plan

- 3 days editing
- 2 and a half all together

Aint no rest for the wicked by Cage the Elephant - Strip adjuster movie reel chemical, natural born
killers à film reference, back screen drop of the movie road and Archive Footage.
Colour correction - looks like just one shot, it colours the whole film to blend the footage.
(Online and offline à Downgrade the footage to edit then upgrade it again)
Cutting Pink with Knives à £100, use of the lyrics popping up on the screen, one track panning shot, simple lighting and camera angles, , no resources or money this is a good way to shoot as it is easy but effective.

Werewolves across America Trailer - Half documentary and half Fiction, went to London and New York for briefs for money, Low budget £10,000 went on tour for Two weeks.

Changes over time - AVI Format à DV Format à HD Formant
Editing timeline - AVID Suites à Adobe Premier 100 à Final Cut Express

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