Monday 21 September 2009

Chosen Song for Our pitch - Way Back Into Love

We have chosen Track 1 for our pitch as agreeing with our last blog it is a good typical love song that follows conventions.

Some of our ides -
  • Using a slit screen to show two different characters to show thier similaritioes and why they should get together in the end of the song - for example two different flats, a map each character has that when put together makes a heart. Prehaps showing how unlucky they have been in love before.

  • The next part of the video idea is having them walking around town and crossing paths but them not Knowing or realising. We'd do this by them passing in a coffee shop, be isles apart in a supermarket, walking on the other side of the road, him getting on a train and her waiting ofr one, she buying a DVD or book and him secound later going in to get the same one but it not being there. This idea would be as if they have always been right for each other but date never let them notice it.
  • An idea of stop motion involving prehaps teddybears getting closer and reaching out to hold each others paw, then to fade into a shot of them getting together at the end.

  • we want to use alot shots based on roads and paths, s the song is called waback into love, ad we think it should be based on finding the right route to love.

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