Thursday, 19 November 2009

This is a screen grab of us playing around on photoshop. We cut around the camper van and then used that, we have not yet tried using different colours but we plan on doing that next. We have also used very simple black lines in the distance to try and demonstrate that there is a road behind the camper van. We found a tool that allows you to insert footprints on to your work and tried them on both the road, and to the right of the road. We did this so it was easy to see a comparision in sizes and what works more effectively. From looking at this, we think that the feet getting smaller in the distance works better and that placing them along the road also looks well. We are thinking of inserting some flowers next around the top or bottom edge to the piece.
We have also had the idea of inserting cartoon people in to the piece to represent the band members scattered around the cover. This will then show the band in the piece but also relate back to our music video as the band is always scattered around in ours; and also links to serveral videos that we have watched previously.

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