Thursday, 26 November 2009

Here is our final digipack, continued on the theme of using a Hippy style/ indie band look with the use of the Volkswagen beetle and flowers. In their past album covers there has been a repetative thme of flowers appearing. We named the album "problems and bigger ones" this relates to the image of the curly road that has a sign named bend ahead. Suggesting that the band has had problems and their are bigger ones on the road ahead.

The pattern of the footsteps across the page links back to our music video where the bear is walking around a city travelling. This also links back to the lyrics "been around the world".

This is our final poster, we have decided to use silhouettes for the band members instead of actual photographs. The reason we have done this is after research of the bands past album covers and posters, they tend not to put themselves on it. A lot of their past advertising uses abstract imagery from the 1960's , we have continued this theme in our digi pack but with a wider range of variety.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Poster update

Monday, 23 November 2009


After the lesson today, i brought back the image to home to touch up some more. When i get back to college i will be finishing it all off, by turning it back and white and adding in titles. here is how far i got in touching it up.


Rolling Stone - "Harvey Danger display a sly wit with sharp pop-rock hooks for the modern thinking man and woman" ****

NME - Individual and Fresh 10/10

The Times - Brilliant *****

track Lists for the Back cover

Carlotta Valdez
Flagpole Sitta
Woolly Muffler
Private Helicopter - Harvey Danger,
Problems and Bigger Ones
Jack the Lion
Old Hat
Terminal Annex
Wrecking Ball
Radio Silence

We have sdecided that we want to name the Album after one of their songs - Problems and Bigger ones . we have chosen this as it links with one of the older albums called little by little. Artists like Mika have also linked thier work back with -

We think having the link would benefit sales as people like to be reminded of the same style and genre of music that they have first fallen for. almost the idea of having an extended version of their favorite album but with new songs.


Here are some examples of Digipacks for CD and DVD

With these there has been a great deal of work involved in creating the innner cover with different art works, but as we're only focusing on the outer case we have had to come up with ome ideas of what we want to put on it.

We have our original design we are working on the for the front cover, then have the logo Hippy flowers on the inside DVD cover and to finish off the track list on the Back with footsteps on the back.

Font Type

Here are some tests on fonts and styles

We want our final logo to be bold and simple to have an effect that draws the reader or viewer in to read the rest of the advert. after looking at some other posters and adverts for Harvey Dnager we have come to the concluion that they use very simple styles to grab the veiwers attention but uses bold and simple abrstract images like the artist Salvador Dali.

We really like the stlye Engracers works well because it covers all the simpllistic but effective look we are going for, we are going to try some of the font styles on our rough poster and see what we can change.

We are also looking into working with one set colour for the font with another colour outlining one side. we are thinking Orage and blue.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

This is a screen grab of us playing around on photoshop. We cut around the camper van and then used that, we have not yet tried using different colours but we plan on doing that next. We have also used very simple black lines in the distance to try and demonstrate that there is a road behind the camper van. We found a tool that allows you to insert footprints on to your work and tried them on both the road, and to the right of the road. We did this so it was easy to see a comparision in sizes and what works more effectively. From looking at this, we think that the feet getting smaller in the distance works better and that placing them along the road also looks well. We are thinking of inserting some flowers next around the top or bottom edge to the piece.
We have also had the idea of inserting cartoon people in to the piece to represent the band members scattered around the cover. This will then show the band in the piece but also relate back to our music video as the band is always scattered around in ours; and also links to serveral videos that we have watched previously.

This is an image we collected from Harvey Dangers website and shows how with the poster they went with a very simplistic theme. This also demonstrates that simplistic styles can be very effective. Although our piece is not going to be quite as simplistic as this.We want to use more vibrant colours and have slightly more going on in our piece. This would also show that our ideas do fit along the lines of DVD and posters that the band have gone for in the past.

This again is an example of the look we are going for. It is slightly different to the other flower image we have uploaded and the colours are more simple. We do not plan on having a background so filled with this design but its a template that we could work with to feature in the piece.

We also collected this image off google and thought that we could use something along these lines to put into the background of our piece. It would work effectively on making the piece random and again we could change the colours if necessary to colour coordinate the piece.

We thought that this image of the camper van could work well because it shows a fun,colourful, bright and random focus point.

With this as an idea, we thought that cutting out the camper van, possibly changing the colours and then creating the background ourselves could work really well.

ideas for auxiliary products

Here is an example of two different images we got off the bands myspace page. Both of these images give off two very different styles that we could use when producing our auxiliary products. We prefer the idea of producing a more abstract piece because it will look more eye catching and interesting, as well as not giving to much away. It will also prevent the piece from looking too simplistic and boring.

Monday, 9 November 2009

DVD and magazine advertisment ideas

We are now looking through our footage and seeing what would work well as a DVD cover. Whilst we were filming we also took some still shots in the locations where we were shooting. We have now found that these stills don't work as well as we thought they would, because they don't capture all elements of how the main singer is actually the lion, and how although the band are present in the footage, they are now broken up. We are now trying to incorporate all of these factors in to our product and having either an image of the musicians in the background with the main singer/the lion in the for ground.
For the DVD cover we are thinking of keeping it simple but bold. So by using a simplistic image it doesn't give to much away, but enough to get the audience excited about the purchase.

Our group is also in debate on whether to use a split screen effect with half the bear and the boy. Some of us dont think this will work, as it is very hard to match it up properly and effectively due to the size and location difference; where as others think by collecting new still shots of both the lion and the boy in the same place it could begin to work. We are going to play around with this idea as well as create new ideas so that we have several options to try out and work with.


When editing we ran in to a few problems. We wanted to use the green screen effect on some of our footage but this was not possible because when shooting we didn't realise you had to shoot with a green background.
We then tried a range of different filters to try and make the footage look different to the usual. We found a lot of the filters didn't look right,but there was one that worked really well with the effect we wanted.
Throughout the music video we have flash between colour footage and black and white. We decided to do this because it shows a contrast and it also plays on the "im not sick but im not well" element to the video. We think the flashes between the colour and black and white work really effectively because it prevents the audience becoming bored of the same type of footage and instead adds contrast.


After recieving feedback from both the class and our teacher we decided to go out and re film some of the footage. We did this to ensure we had a range of different shots, making the music video more exciting, and also refilmed footage of the male singer, this allowed us to be more exact when lip syncing and meant that we could again use a greater variety of shots and close ups on the singer. We added some more random elements to the video such as adding a chicken beacuse this then made the footage different for several reason and again played on the random element to our music video.
We also tried to film a band the second time round but again ran in to problems getting one together. So instead the three of us dressed up in hoodies and attempted to act like boys and play instruments. We found when editing we couldnt use a lot of this footage because the movements are clear we are girls. We have now put some of the footage in to our piece and are considering using some stills from the footage for are DVD cover.


We chose this video as an example because it shows an element of what we want to achieve. The part where the girls top changes between colours is what we wanted to do with some of our footage. After talking to our teachers we were told that this would be far to complex because of the range of different colours in our footage, but agreed it was a good idea.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

These video clips are examples of women playing instruments in the video, when they are not actually playing the instruments in the song. This is an idea that we used, as we could not get a band together, we decided to be in our own music video playing instruments as well as dancing, but we hid our appearence to try and add to the convention of the music video being an all boy group. This also added to the randomness of the piece because it showed a fun element to it, like the lion.

The video of the backstreet boys works very well as an example because it shows how well a random video can work. It keeps the viewers interested and its not predictable. It makes the audience watch it all the way through just to see what happens throughout. This is something we are aiming towards for our own piece because we plan to keep people interested throughout and make constant changes and random elements in order to prevent boredom and predictability.

Monday, 2 November 2009

Peer Feedback =)

Here are some of the comments we got from the rest of our peers,

1. Cinematography -> Good variations of shots, the camera movement was excellent (especially at the beginning), and the camera work was very good. They did say that we could of expanded on certain themes such as toy soldiers + reduced on the other themes (novelty of the lion wore off).

2. Editing -> The transitions at the start were brilliant, the pace kept up with the speed of the song, a lot of people agreed that the i motion worked well and it was very good editing. The lip syncing does need a lot of work.

3. Mise en scene -> Army soldiers are good, but a bit random. Put a lot of thought into location and costumes, they really liked the bed in the field, interesting idea. "loves the costume, looks good especially in normal everyday life, makes it funny." Some people commented and said that we could add some more costumes into the video to make the viewers interested.

4. Genre Convention -> It stuck to conventions "cheeky indie'. They liked the relationship between visuals and lyrics it makes it very interesting.

5. Whats Missing? -> Most people said that we needed to add in more angles of shots, and variation of shots. Another person suggested that we could try and put the lion running away from army men.

Comments from Tanya:

1. Well formed. Needs more close ups of the main character. Some lip syncing is rather dark.

2. Make it really clear why and how the young man becomes a lion. Will there be more lip syncing?

3. Costume works well, and location.

4. I would expect more of a performance, so you could shoot an 'interior' performance and parallel edit it in.

5. Close ups
Edit throughout

After receiving feedback from both our classmates and Tanya we've decided to go out and re film some of our footage. We think that the majority of our feedback was very positive and the other comments have definitely been helpful to help us see where we need to improve in order to make our work as good as we possibly can. We were debating between us on whether to remove our stop motion part, but after receiving feedback we have decided to keep it as the comments towards it were very positive.
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